Episodes tagged “james-fox”

  1. Ep 40: Is AARO’s Historical Report a Coverup?

    AARO released the first volume of their report on 80 years of UFO investigations, and concluded there is no evidence of extraterrestrial activity.

  2. Ep 35: Varginha: The Roswell of Brazil

    In 1996, a UFO crashed outside Varginha, Brazil, and multiple people encountered unusual creatures that were captured by the military.

  3. Ep 15: Is AARO Being Set Up to Fail? #UFOMamaBear

    Red flags have been raised that seem to indicate that the DOD is dragging their feet, or event actively working to sabotage AARO.

  4. Ep 14: Congress Gets Mad: The April 2023 UAP Hearing!

    Congress is upset over perceived foot-dragging by the Pentagon on the topic of UAP. AARO gives insight into how their investigations work.

  5. Ep 5: Recommendations for UFO books, videos, etc

    Here are some books, TV series, documentaries, and podcasts that I vd recommend.

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