Episodes tagged “ryan-graves”

  1. Ep 67: White House Drone Answer Disappoints

    Updates on the Congressional task force, Skywatcher, NASA, and the mystery drone situation.

  2. Ep 60: “Truly Anomalous:” AARO’s 2024 Annual UAP Report

    AARO’s new director just released their annual UAP report, with some interesting changes from last year.

  3. Ep 49: “We are in contact with NHI:” Tim Gallaudet

    Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet is the latest high-profile figure to call for disclosure of non-human contact.

  4. Ep 48: UFO Amendments in the 2025 NDAA

    Congress is working on the 2025 NDAA, including some possible UAP amendments, and also discussing another public UAP hearing.

  5. Ep 41: Mysterious Drones Swarm Navy Ships and Air Force Bases

    DOD UAP reporting guidelines, a congressional UAP select committee, mysterious drone swarms, and more!

  6. Ep 38: DODIG: Lack of UAP Plan May Pose a Threat

    The DOD’s lack of a UAP plan leaves the US at risk, Congress freaks out about UFOs, and Sean Kirkpatrick may be a disinfo agent.

  7. Ep 31: “Nothing New. Pointless.” AARO’s 2023 UAP Report and Congress gets DODIG in a SCIF

    The 2023 AARO UAP report feels like a last-minute term paper, and the DOD IG disappoints Congress.

  8. Ep 27: Dainty DoD is Concerned UAP Hearings Have Sullied Its Reputation

    The DOD pushes back by denying Grusch a SCIF and pressuring Congress to avoid public hearings. Plus, UFOs at the Republican presidential debate.

  9. Ep 24: Alien Bodies!? Whistleblower Grusch and Navy Pilots in House UAP Hearing

    Congress is taking the testimony of these witnesses very seriously, and discussing next steps.

  10. Ep 23: Grusch, Fravor, and Graves to testify at House UAP Hearing

    Congress claims Pentagon interference as they announce the witnesses for their upcoming UAP hearing.

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